
Time-lapse technology allows continuous monitoring of embryo development and cultivation in undisturbed optimal conditions.


The time-lapse incubator continuously captures the dynamic process of development, resulting in a record that helps embryologists select the most suitable embryos for transfer or cryopreservation

How is the cultivation process?

Immediately after fertilization, the embryos are placed in a special culture dish where up to 16 embryos per patient couple can be cultured. The dish is then placed in one of the six culture chambers of the Geri incubator. Each chamber is equipped with sensors to monitor optimal culture conditions (temperature, CO2 and humidity).

Incubator EmbryoScope+

The state-of-the-art EmbryoScope+ incubator enables parallel cultivation for up to 15 patient pairs. In addition to the EmbryoViewer software, it also includes the Giuded Annotation tool and the intelligent KIDScore module for evaluating embryo implantation potential.

The iDAScore intelligent auxiliary tool

EmbryoScope+ is equipped with iDAScore software, which uses artificial intelligence to facilitate embryo evaluation using a deep learning artificial neural network-based algorithm. It helps select embryos with the highest chance of implantation and serves as a complementary tool for decision-making and final embryo assessment by an experienced embryologist. It has been trained on a large dataset of patients of different age groups from 18 clinics around the world.

With iDAScore, we are taking embryo evaluation to the next level.

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Incubator Geri

The Geri is slightly smaller compared to the EmbryoScope+, but still a high quality incubator. It is equipped with Geri Connect software with a range of tools and features. It allows simultaneous culturing for up to 6 patient pairs in separate chambers and with its own camera. The recordings obtained are evaluated by experienced embryologists who monitor individual traits and parameters related to embryo implantation potential.

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Who is the method for?

For all patient couples interested in embryo culturing in a superior incubator, which guarantees undisturbed monitoring of embryo development with an overall view of the development dynamics.

Other treatment options


IVF with your own eggs

Infertility afflicts a large number of couples. We know how to help.


IVF with donated eggs

We have specialized in treatment with donated eggs since the clinic was founded. Thanks to our extensive database of donors, we can choose the most suitable one for you.


IVF with donated embryos

Thanks to our sophisticated egg donation program, we have the unique opportunity to offer infertile couples treatment with donated embryos.


Take the first step to parenthood from the comfort of your home

The doctor decides about the inclusion into BGP individually, according to each couple's assessment of anamnesis.

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