Reprofit Brno
The Brno clinic was founded in 2006 and is one of the biggest and most modern clinics of reproductive medicine in Europe. More than 3500 couples seek our help every year. Thanks to our experienced team and cutting-edge technologies we have reached an exceptional success rate in our treatments.
We prepare a tailor-made treatment for every couple
In our centre of assisted reproduction we are focused on all the available infertility treatment methods. Thanks to our research department we implement new methods so we can also help couples with complicated causes of infertility. We provide personal and comprehensive care in reproductive medicine together with gynaecological, genetic, and immunological examination.
Our personal approach to every couple is the fundamental basis of our treatment. We strive towards making your journey of having a baby as smooth and quick as possible. At the start of the process we focus on finding the cause of infertility, so that we can offer you the best possible solution. We always start with simple treatments, only building up to more advanced and expensive ones if necessary.
Why Reprofit?
No waiting time
We know time is the key element to successful infertility treatment. Thanks to the expansive capacity of the clinic and our extensive database of donors, you will not have to wait for the start of your treatment. You will increase your chance for conception and shorten your journey to parenthood.
Quality care is our top priority
Thanks to our experienced team and cutting-edge technologies we have reached an exceptional success rate in our treatments. All our doctors, embryologists, andrologists, nurses and coordinators are experienced specialists with a compassionate bedside manner to make you feel comfortable. Empathy is important to us.
Personal approach to every couple
If you decide on our clinic you will have your doctor an your personal coordinator who will guide you throughout the treatment. The doctor will find the cause of infertility, prepare tailor-made treatment plan and will keep an eye on all the procedures. Some exams can be done by other specialists but your doctor and coordinator will be with you for the whole time.
Scientific approach
PharmDr. Zuzana Holubcová PhD
R&D department is led by Dr. Zuzana Holubcova who has joint our team in 2015 as a scientific advisor and coordinator R&D-related activities.
Dr. Zuzana Holubcova is an experienced scientist in the field of fertility research. She has received her PhD for the work on genetic instability of human embryonic stem cells. As a postdoctoral researcher in Cambridge UK she pioneered new imaging techniques to study human egg development. Her work on oogenesis and human egg propensity to genetic abnormaities was published in top scientific journals and she received prestigious Basic Science Award from European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
Research & Development
Scientific approach
Our goal is to provide the highest quality medical care to our patients. That is why we focus on basic and applied research as well as the introduction of technological innovations to continuously improve infertility treatment outcomes.
We recognize that the success of IVF treatment is based on the expertise of an experienced team of qualified professionals, decision-making supported by facts and scientific knowledge, and the application of state-of-the-art technology.
Research & Development
Our R&D (Research & Development) department's mission is to transfer the latest scientific knowledge into clinical practice so that scientifically based and clinically proven approaches can be applied as early as possible in the treatment of our patients. The R&D department is an active part of our team and is involved in various projects aimed at optimizing current assisted reproductive techniques and finding new alternatives for safe and effective IVF treatment.
Innovations in clinical procedures
Some of our applied research processes are carried out directly at our clinic, others are solved in cooperation with other IVF clinics within FutureLife. In addition, we collaborate nationally and internationally with scientific laboratories and industrial partners on basic research projects and technological innovations.
Another role of the R&D department is to ensure high standards in education, training and professional development. Our close links with academia and representation in professional societies demonstrate our commitment to actively contribute to the further development of reproductive medicine.
Professional guarantee
The head of the R&D department is PharmDr. Zuzana Holubcová PhD, who joined our clinic in 2015 as a scientific advisor and coordinator of R&D department activities.
Dr. Zuzana Holubcová has extensive research experience in the field of reproductive medicine. She received her PhD degree for her work on genetic instability of human embryonic stem cells. As a postdoctoral researcher in Cambridge, she developed new techniques to enable the study of human egg development. Her research work, which has also elucidated the causes of genetic disorders in human eggs, has been published in top scientific journals. Dr. Holubcová was also awarded the prestigious Basic Science Award by the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the Neuron Impulsy 2016 Award for Original Scientific Projects in Medicine.
A complete list of our collaborating institutions can be found here.
Co-operating Institutions
We're keeping up
We constantly keep up to date with modern practices and technologies. This would not be possible without foreign cooperation and partner institutions. Thanks to them, we are also able to offer patients who travel for treatment expert facilities and consultations in their own country.
Whether in the Czech Republic or abroad, we choose quality facilities and, in turn, are happy to become collaborating partners ourselves. We are convinced that our patients in particular will benefit from any such connection. Below you will find the contact person together with the organisation.
Brno Clinic Team
You will be under the care of leading experts for the entirety of your treatment.
Pavel Otevřel
IVF specialist - medical director
Pavel Otevřel
MUDr. Pavel Otevřel je vedoucí lékař brněnské kliniky a vědecký sekretář Sekce výboru asistované reprodukce. Vystudoval lékařskou fakultu Masarykovy Univerzity, věnoval se onkogynekologii a onkogynekologické operativě a nyní se zaměřuje zejména na problém reprodukčního stárnutí žen. Podílí se také na vědeckých publikacích, přednáší na konferencích a přispívá do odborných časopisů.
Hana Pospíšilová
IVF Specialist
Michael Kozumplík
IVF Specialist
Andrea Straková
IVF Specialist
Patrícia Nižníková
IVF Specialist
Kamil Frank
IVF Specialist
Irina Tokareva
IVF Specialist
Jan Štelcl
IVF Specialist
Tomáš Bagócsi
IVF Specialist
Marcela Pastorčáková
IVF Specialist
Monika Bečvářová
Renáta Simonato Krajčovičová
IVF Specialist
Věra Hořínová
Jakub Trizuljak
Denisa Doubková
Gynecologist, Geneticist
Martina Novotná
Gynecologist, Reproductive endocrinologist
Kristýna Jordánová
Gynecologist, IVF Specialist
Monika Trundová
Gynecologist, IVF Specialist
Jana Kalvodová
Eva Matušková
Petr Novák
Eva Kopečná
IVF Coordinator
Světlana Mejtilová
IVF Coordinator
Tina Holčáková
IVF Coordinator
Bohdana Štefáčková
IVF Coordinator
Barbora Fikarová
IVF Coordinator
Michaela Brychtová
IVF Coordinator
Cristina Capra
IVF Coordinator
Monika Mandersová
IVF Coordinator
Renata Bartoš
IVF Coordinator
Szabina Gőgh
IVF Coordinator
Henrietta Bakk
IVF Coordinator
Andrea Gál
IVF coordinator
Boglárka Zálešáková-Bálint
IVF coordinator
Ildikó Bednářová Czeglédi
IVF coordinator
Tímea Mészáros
IVF coordinator
Pavla Kotalová
IVF coordinator
Lucie Kundlová
IVF coordinator
Petra Michalčáková
Donor Care Specialist
Kristína Ingrová
Donor Care Specialist
Soňa Kloudová
Head of laboratories
Lenka Slivková
Drahomíra Kyjovská
Embryology lab technician
Eva Grycová
Lenka Soukal Libichová
Markéta Slavíková
Martina Dostálová
Naďa Hrůzová
Petra Aliwiová
Petra Zichová
Medical Laboratory Technician
Barbora Maierová
Embryologist junior
Kateřina Šilhavíková
Medical Laboratory Technician
Soňa Kloudová
Head of laboratories
Monika Kunetková
Michaela Dyčková
Gabriela Nejezchlebová
Marie Fedrová
Andrology Laboratory Technician
Simona Kokešová
Andrology Laboratory Technician
Zdenka Kaňová
Andrology Laboratory Technician
Zuzana Kačmárová
Andrology Laboratory Technician
Veronika Šlesinger
Laboratory Assistant
Hana Pololáníková
Andrology laboratory technician
Markéta Rožková
Andrology Laboratory Technician
Eva Čápová
Head Nurse
Radmila Balíková
Gynaecology Ward Nurse
Lenka Ondráčková
IVF Ward Nurse
Blanka Motalová
Eva Abrahámová
Andrea Vybíralová
Nurse Assistant
Ivana Paseková
Jana Křižanová
Kristina Ingrová
Lenka Müllerová
Petra Bendová
Renata Kalvodová
Veronika Plachá
Kristýna Marvanová
Ilona Hrubá
Irena Jančíková
Barbora Švábová
Kateřina Oklešťková
Monika Vysloužilová
Anna Zmrzlíková
Nurse Assistant
Veronika Pešelová
Adéla Klaudová
Ivana Tesařová
Alena Hrubešová
Monika Němečková
Photo Gallery
REPROFIT is approximately 15 minutes from the city centre. We have chosen places in close proximity to the clinic which have fantastic customer service. Use the promo code „REPROFIT“ when reserving for an exclusive discount.
Barcelo Brno Palace
Šilingrovo námestí 2/265
602 00 Brno
Hotel Passage
Lidická 23
602 00 Brno
Rybářská 202/19
603 00 Brno
Quality Hotel Brno Exhibition Centre
Křížkovského 496/20,
603 00 Brno - střed
Hotel Centrum Brno
Vinařská 6
603 00 Brno
Masarykova N°30 Apartments
Kapucínské náměstí 307/15, 602 00 Brno-střed
Oltec Apartment
Hlinky 142/17, Brno, 603 00
Alfa Riverside Brno
Porici 572/2, Brno
Hlinky 50/128
603 00 Brno
Reprofit International s.r.o.
Hlinky 48/122, 603 00 Brno, Czech Republic