Instituții colaboratoare
Monitorizăm în mod constant procedurile și tehnologiile moderne. Acest lucru nu ar fi posibil fără cooperarea externă și instituțiile partenere. Datorită lor, putem oferi și pacienților care călătoresc pentru tratament, experiență profesională și consultații în țara lor.

FutureLife a.s.
Na příkopě 859/22
Nové město, 110 00 Praha 1
NUTRON s.r.o.
MUDr. Helena Vašková, MUDr. Petr Hrazdira
Bayerova 795/26
60200 Brno
Česká republika

Association MAIA
15 rue Gleyses
31200 Toulouse

As Reprofit's UK agency, Your IVF Journey has worked closely with the clinic since 2012. The fantastic success rates speak for themselves. But what we value most in our partnership is Reprofit's integrity. Patients always come first, the medical care is exceptional and nothing is too much trouble. As successful patients of the clinic ourselves, we valued its positive and friendly approach. Now that we help other patients, we see positive outcomes every week. Consistency, honesty and a commitment to patient care are all part of the Reprofit experience. We are delighted to be associated with such a great clinic.

Your IVF Success – launched in July 2017 – is pleased to be assisting US-based couples access high-quality and affordable fertility treatments at our renowned partner clinic. As former patients, and now proud parents, we can speak to the quality of care and attention given by the excellent medical team and staff at Reprofit International. We hope that you take the time to look at our website and the services that we offer, and let us help you achieve YOUR IVF success story.

I have had the pleasure of working with the Reprofit doctors and staff for 8 years, representing hundreds of patients. In that time, I have come to expect the highest level of excellence in lab expertise and best clinical practices, integrity related to not recommending unnecessary diagnostics or treatments, and leadership and expertise in offering industry changing technologies such as PGS. I can trust that the patient’s best interest and health is at the forefront of their clinical recommendations and best practices, and yet each case is addressed and assessed individually with the patient being an active participant in their care decisions. It is clear that the staff truly cares about the patients, their well-being and results. I especially appreciate the unprecedented access to medical staff in matters of urgency and importance – this is particularly vital with patients traveling from thousands of miles (and many, many time zones) away. I am delighted to partner with the Reprofit team to continue the rewarding work of helping to achieve the family building dreams of so many intended parents!

Ultrasound Direct Limited
37 The Point Business Park
Rockingham Road
Market Harboroug
Leicestershire LE16 7QU
United Kingdom

Dašnica 11, 4228 Železniki,
Represented by Helena Golja Štamcar

Chiar de la început ne concentrăm asupra identificării cauzei infertilității și oferim fiecărui cuplu o abordare individuală. Întotdeauna procedăm de la metodele mai simple la cele mai complicate ale tratamentului.

MUDr. Tomáš Bagócsi
Medic specialist-șef Reprofit Bratislava

MUDr. Pavel Otevřel
Medic specialist-șef Reprofit Brno

MUDr. Andrea R. Kagánková
Medic specialist-șef Reprofit Ostrava
Formular de contact
Clinicile noastre