Preimplantation examination
Within the framework of assisted reproduction methods, it is possible to perform genetic testing and selection of embryos formed in a test tube before transfer to the uterus and implantation, i.e. preimplantation.
The method of examination is based on the conclusions of the consultation with the attending physician and clinical geneticist. Pre-implantation testing can either target diseases that are already present in the family or random genetic abnormalities that may arise, for example, due to older age or environmental factors.
Course of examination
First, a few trophectoderm cells, the part of the embryo that gives rise to the amniotic sac, are removed from the embryo. This process is called biopsy and is performed by an experienced embryologist on the fifth or sixth day after fertilisation of the egg by sperm in embryos at the blastocyst stage.
The embryos are then frozen and, in the event of a normal genetic test result, introduced into the patient's uterus in subsequent cycles. The result of the examination is usually available within one month.
Preimplantation genetic testing
PGT-A (preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy)
Examination of embryos to exclude newly arising chromosomal defects in patients without diagnosed genetic disorders. These are disorders of the number of chromosomes (aneuploidies) or parts of chromosomes that occur randomly during egg and sperm maturation or during embryo development. The aim of this examination is to select a genetically healthy embryo for transfer, thus increasing the chances of its successful implantation in the uterus, reducing the number of embryo transfers required, the risk of spontaneous abortion or fetal chromosomal defects, and sometimes clarifying the cause of IVF failures.
PGT-A is recommended after repeated miscarriages and failures in assisted reproduction, when chromosomal defects are present in the fetus or in the family, after a history of cancer treatment, and for all women over the age of 35.
PGT-M (preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic diseases)
Targeted embryo screening to rule out inherited disease in a family where one or both partners are carriers of a trait for a particular disease. These may be monogenically inherited diseases (the most common include cystic fibrosis - CF, spinal muscular atrophy - SMA, haemophilia and muscular dystrophy). In terms of the disease under investigation, only healthy embryos are transferred into the uterus, thus minimising the risk of the birth of a sick child or the termination of the pregnancy if the fetus is proven to be affected.
PGT-M can also be used in cases where prenatal diagnosis during pregnancy is not possible for ethical reasons (e.g. for diseases that do not manifest themselves until adulthood, e.g. congenital predisposition to cancer).
PGT-SR (preimplantation genetic testing for structural chromosomal defects)
It is the examination of structural aberrations of chromosomes in embryos (e.g. deletion or duplication). It is recommended for patients who carry a balanced structural chromosomal defect (e.g. translocation or inversion).
Although these defects are usually not apparent in carriers, they can lead to frequent miscarriages or the birth of a child with an unbalanced structural chromosome defect that can cause serious disease
Other treatment options
IVF with donated eggs
We have specialized in treatment with donated eggs since the clinic was founded. Thanks to our extensive database of donors, we can choose the most suitable one for you.
IVF with donated embryos
Thanks to our sophisticated egg donation program, we have the unique opportunity to offer infertile couples treatment with donated embryos.
The first step to parenting from the comfort of home
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