
Cancers are common in the population, but only 5-10% of them
(15-20% in children) are due to an inherited disposition. It is this group of cancers that genetic testing focuses on.


The aim of genetic testing is to clarify the risk of cancer, to determine whether there is a hereditary cancer predisposition in the family and to recommend appropriate prevention.

When genetic testing is appropriate for cancer patients (or their relatives)

  • In the case of a diagnosis of cancer at an unusually young age,
  • in people with multiple cancers,
  • in the presence of bilateral tumours in paired organs,
  • when there is a family history of the same type of cancer (e.g. breast cancer or colorectal cancer),
  • in the case of a combination of certain types of cancer in close relatives (breast and ovarian cancer, bowel and uterine cancer), especially in cases where the manifestation of the disease occurred at a younger age.

Other treatment options


IVF with your own eggs

Infertility afflicts a large number of couples. We know how to help.


IVF with donated eggs

We have specialized in treatment with donated eggs since the clinic was founded. Thanks to our extensive database of donors, we can choose the most suitable one for you.


IVF with donated embryos

Thanks to our sophisticated egg donation program, we have the unique opportunity to offer infertile couples treatment with donated embryos.


The first step to parenting from the comfort of home

Our doctors are also here for you online. We provide free consultations, we will make an appointment without waiting and without the need to present a request form.

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