Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

This treatment is intended for couples who have been unable to conceive naturally for a long time despite proven ovulation in a woman. The cause may be slightly impaired semen quality, reduced cervical permeability in the woman, a milder form of endometriosis, or, for example, an immunological factor of infertility.


Information about the treatment

This method is based on facilitating the path of sperm to the egg. The sperm will avoid the adverse effects of the vaginal and cervical environment and the time required for them to reach the egg will also be reduced.

In the andrology laboratory, the processing of the partner's or donor's semen gives us a sample with the highest possible number of quality sperm. An adequate dose of semen is then injected directly into the woman's uterus using a thin catheter (1.8 mm in diameter).

A spermiogram (SPG) is performed on all semen samples before IUI. Mostly freshly collected sperm from the partner is used, but frozen sperm or donor sperm can also be used. Usually, hormonal stimulation of the female partner is done at the same time. The goal of stimulation before IUI is to mature 1 to 2 follicles. Stimulation increases the chances of pregnancy. The procedure is similar to a conventional gynaecological examination. It is completely painless (no local anesthesia is needed) and it is quick.

Success rate of the method

In the first cycle of IUI treatment, 5 to 15% of women become pregnant. The success rate depends on the age of the woman and decreases with age. After the age of 40, it is rarely performed. If pregnancy does not occur after three IUI cycles, the doctor will recommend a more advanced method - In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF).

Other Treatment Options


IVF with your own eggs

Many couples struggle with infertility. We know how to help.


IVF with donated eggs

We have been specializing in egg donation since the foundation of the clinic. Thanks to our extensive database, toghether, we can choose the most appropriate donor.


IVF with donated embryos

Thanks to our intricately designed egg donation program, we can offer you an embryo adoption too. We have a unique offer for embryo adoption too.


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