
We do everything we can to shorten the path to happiness for our patients. Genetic testing helps us to detect possible causes of infertility and thus increase the success rate of treatment.


Genetic counselling

Medical genetics is concerned with diagnosis and prevention of diseases with hereditary component. The clinic mainly focuses on diseases and conditions which affect fertility and lead to birth defects. We also focus on hereditary sensory defects and tumor diseases in our specialized counseling.

What are the reasons for genetic testing?


Congenital defect or disease with possible hereditary component in the family


Birth of a child with a congenital defect


Infertility, recurrent miscarriages, stillbirth


Pregnancy planning after cancer treatment


Recurrent tumors or early occurrence of tumors in the family


Family relationship



- mothers over 35, fathers over 45,
- with a positive ultrasound or biochemical test,
- at risk of recurrence of a hereditary defect already present in the family,
- exposure to external adverse effects - drugs, ionising radiation (X-rays)
- exposure to certain infectious diseases

How is genetic testing performed?

The physician - clinical geneticist - determines details regarding the health of the patient and diseases of the family members (medical history). The geneticist creates a family tree of at least three generations on the basis of the information (genealogy). Evaluation of the case history and genealogy helps to determine the type of hereditary disease in the family. The examination can be specified with a consulting examination of a specialist from a different field or a specific laboratory or imaging examination is indicated, such as:

Examination of chromosomes

Examination of congenital mutations of genes

Biochemical examination

Ultrasound examination

Other necessary examinations

Other treatment options


IVF with your own eggs

Infertility afflicts a large number of couples. We know how to help.


IVF with donated eggs

We have specialized in treatment with donated eggs since the clinic was founded. Thanks to our extensive database of donors, we can choose the most suitable one for you.


IVF with donated embryos

Thanks to our sophisticated egg donation program, we have the unique opportunity to offer infertile couples treatment with donated embryos.


The first step to parenting from the comfort of home

Our doctors are also here for you online. We provide free consultations, we will make an appointment without waiting and without the need to present a request form.

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