Examination of Women
If you have been trying to conceive for over six to twelve months and have not succeeded, entrust yourself to the care of our experts. Modern infertility treatment methods allow us to help more than 95 % of couples to conceive.

Every fifth couple struggles with infertility
From the very beginning finding the cause of infertility is our main concern in order to apply the most effective methods of assisted reproduction. We always start with simple treatments, only building up to more advanced and expensive ones if necessary.
The most common causes of female infertility
- Hormonal problems
- Endometriosis
- Overly thick cervical mucus
- Embryo implantation problem
- Immune system reaction to partner's sperm
- Obstruction of the fallopian tubes
- Genetic causes
- Premature menopause
Examination of Women
Transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries
It is performed in the first half of the menstrual cycle. It allows us to determine the size and shape of the uterus, the presence of muscle nodules (fibroids), as well as the height and quality of the uterine mucosa. It provides information on the condition of the ovaries, follicle growth, and the presence of cysts or endometriosis.
Examination of hormone levels
A blood test between days 1 and 3 of menstruation provides information about the state of the ovaries, their ability to produce mature eggs and possible responses to stimulant drugs.
Examined hormones:
- FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone),
- AHM (Anti-Müllerian Hormone) - informs about the egg supply,
- PRL (Prolactin) and TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone).
Further examination on doctor's recommendation
Ultrasound Hysterosalpingography (HyCoSy) - Ambulatory ultrasound examination to determine the patency of the fallopian tubes
Hysteroscopy (HSK) - Used to detect and treat problems inside the uterus (polyps, fibroids, adhesions, septa).
Genetic testing for female infertility
These examinations are advisable for repeated spontaneous miscarriages or repeated failed IVF cycles.
Karyotype - The karyotyping of the blood verifies the presence or absence of congenital chromosomal defects in the karyotype. A female has two X sex chromosomes, a male has one X sex chromosome and one Y sex chromosome. The normal female karyotype is defined as 46,XX, the normal male karyotype as 46,XY.
Immunological testing - As part of immunology, we recommend different tests to women depending on their specific problem.
Infertility Treatment Options

IVF with donated eggs
We have been specializing in egg donation since the foundation of the clinic. Thanks to our extensive database, toghether, we can choose the most appropriate donor.

IVF with donated embryos
Thanks to our intricately designed egg donation program, we can offer you an embryo adoption too. We have a unique offer for embryo adoption too.

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