Baby Garantee Program
Thanks to our sophisticated egg donation programme and excellent treatment success rate, we are able to provide our patients with the certainty of egg donation treatment guaranteeing the child's birth.
Baby Guarantee Program is suitable for patients
- Up to 46 y.o.
- BGP is a first egg donation cycle at REPROFIT
- Without any disease that would make pregnancy impossible
- No abnormalities of the reproductive tract
- Partner's sperm analysis doesn't detect any significant pathology
10.000 EUR includes
- Egg donation cycle
- Freezing of remaining embryos and subsequent embryo transfers – one embryo per transfer
We guarantee a refund of the total amount
Should there be a failure in this program after the completion of one egg donor treatment (transfers of all remaining embryos, or at least four if we obtain more of them during the cycle), we guarantee a refund of the total amount (10.000 EUR).
Other Treatment Options
IVF with donated eggs
We have been specializing in egg donation since the foundation of the clinic. Thanks to our extensive database, toghether, we can choose the most appropriate donor.
IVF with donated embryos
Thanks to our intricately designed egg donation program, we can offer you an embryo adoption too. We have a unique offer for embryo adoption too.
Take the first step to parenthood from the comfort of your home.
The doctor decides about the inclusion into BGP individually, according to each couple's assessment of anamnesis.